1) Query to find out the responsibilities attached to a user in Oracle Application
select b.user_name, c.responsibility_name, a.START_DATE, a.END_DATE from fnd_user_resp_groups_direct a, fnd_user b, fnd_responsibility_tl cwhere a.user_id = b.user_id
and a.responsibility_id = c.responsibility_id
and b.user_name='&Username';
2) Query to find out Free Tablespace with Graph in %
set lines 200
select total.ts tablespace,
DECODE(total.mb,null,'OFFLINE',dbat.status) status,
total.mb total_mb,
NVL(total.mb - free.mb,total.mb) used_mb,
NVL(free.mb,0) free_mb,
DECODE(total.mb,NULL,0,NVL(ROUND((total.mb - free.mb)/(total.mb)*100,2),100)) pct_used,
CASE WHEN (total.mb IS NULL) THEN '['||RPAD(LPAD('OFFLINE',13,'-'),20,'-')||']'
ELSE '['|| DECODE(free.mb,
NVL(RPAD(LPAD('X',trunc((100-ROUND( (free.mb)/(total.mb) * 100, 2))/5),'X'),20,'-'),
(select tablespace_name ts, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 mb from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) total,
(select tablespace_name ts, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 mb from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) free,
dba_tablespaces dbat
where total.ts=free.ts(+) and
select sh.tablespace_name,
SUM(sh.bytes_used+sh.bytes_free)/1024/1024 total_mb,
SUM(sh.bytes_used)/1024/1024 used_mb,
SUM(sh.bytes_free)/1024/1024 free_mb,
ROUND(SUM(sh.bytes_used)/SUM(sh.bytes_used+sh.bytes_free)*100,2) pct_used,
FROM v$temp_space_header sh
GROUP BY tablespace_name order by 6;
3) Query To Check Blocking & Waiting Sessions in RAC
select vsb.sid bsid, vsb.serial#, vsb.inst_id binst, vsb.username blocker, vsb.client_identifier bcid, vsb.module bmod,
vsw.sid wsid, vsw.serial#, vsw.inst_id winst, vsw.username waiter, vsw.client_identifier wcid, vsw.module wmod,
trunc(vlw.ctime/60) minutes
from (select inst_id,sid, id1, id2, ctime from gv$lock where request > 0) vlw,
(select inst_id,sid, id1, id2, ctime from gv$lock where block > 0) vlb,
gv$session vsb,
gv$session vsw
where vsw.sid=vlw.sid
and vsb.sid=vlb.sid
and vsb.inst_id=vlb.inst_id
and vsw.inst_id=vlw.inst_id
and vlb.id1=vlw.id1
and vlb.id2=vlw.id2
order by blocker, minutes desc;
4) Query to find object or statement that is causing excessive redo generation
SELECT dhso.object_name,
FROM dba_hist_seg_stat dhss,
dba_hist_seg_stat_obj dhso,
dba_hist_snapshot dhs
WHERE dhs.snap_id = dhss.snap_id
AND dhs.instance_number = dhss.instance_number
AND dhss.obj# = dhso.obj#
AND dhss.dataobj# = dhso.dataobj#
AND begin_interval_time BETWEEN to_date('2012_05_02 04','YYYY_MM_DD HH24') AND to_date('2012_05_02 07','YYYY_MM_DD HH24')
GROUP BY dhso.object_name
order by sum(db_block_changes_delta) desc;
—————————— —————————
XXXXXXX 315744448
XXXXXXX 315744448
Find the statement related to it.
SELECT distinct dbms_lob.substr(sql_text,4000,1)
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat dhss,
dba_hist_snapshot dhs,
dba_hist_sqltext dhst
WHERE upper(dhst.sql_text) LIKE '%XXXXXXXXXX%'
AND dhss.snap_id=dhs.snap_id
AND dhss.instance_Number=dhs.instance_number
AND dhss.sql_id = dhst.sql_id and rownum<2;
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat dhss,
dba_hist_snapshot dhs,
dba_hist_sqltext dhst
WHERE upper(dhst.sql_text) LIKE '%XXXXXXXXXX%'
AND dhss.snap_id=dhs.snap_id
AND dhss.instance_Number=dhs.instance_number
AND dhss.sql_id = dhst.sql_id and rownum<2;
update XXXXXXXX set LATEST_VERSION=:1 where ID=:2 and VERSION<:3
update XXXXXXXX set LATEST_VERSION=:1 where ID=:2 and VERSION<:3
5) To find the sid from Concurrent Request ID and associated SQL Statement
SELECT a.request_id, d.sid, d.serial# ,d.osuser,d.process , c.SPID ,d.inst_id
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,
apps.fnd_concurrent_processes b,
gv$process c,
gv$session d
WHERE a.controlling_manager = b.concurrent_process_id
AND c.pid = b.oracle_process_id
AND b.session_id=d.audsid
AND a.request_id =&req_id
AND a.phase_code = 'R';
select a.sid, a.serial#, b.sql_text
from gv$session a, gv$sqlarea b
where a.sql_address=b.address
and a.sid = &sid and a.inst_id=&inst_id;
6) To find Problematic Particular Query through sid on Exadata
set long 50000000
set pagesize 10000
select name,value from v$sesstat a, v$statname b where
(a.sid) = <sid> and
(name in ( 'cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan',
'physical read IO requests',
'physical read requests optimized',
'cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index',
'cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload',
'cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to cellsrv',
'cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to user',
'cell flash cache read hits',
'db block gets',
'db block gets from cache',
'db block gets from cache (fastpath)',
'db block gets direct')) order by name;
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