Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to find out if a product is installed in e-Business Suite?

You can find out what products are installed in e-Business Suite, and their patch levels, via Oracle Applications Manager.
You will also find a list of the installed by running the script <adutconf.sql> ($AD_TOP/sql/adutconf.sql), or in the file <applprod.txt>. You can find out the patch level of any product you have installed in e-Business Suite by running the following query via SQL:

$ sqlplus apps / <pwd>

SQL> SELECT substr(APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME,1,8) product, substr(PRODUCT_VERSION,1,14) version, substr(PATCH_LEVEL,1,11) patch_level FROM fnd_application a, fnd_product_installations p WHERE a.application_id = p.application_id ORDER BY application_short_name;

If you know the product code, you can obtain output for individual products with the following SQL:

SQL> SELECT patch_level FROM fnd_product_installations WHERE patch_level LIKE '%<product_code>%';

for example:          WHERE patch_level LIKE 'BIS' 

The product code is the 2- or 3-letter code you see when you search for a patch in Metalink by product family, and in the name of the patchset, e.g. 11i.BIS.L.
As a double check that the database knows that the product is installed, you can run the following query. It should produce the same answer:
SQL> SELECT fa.application_id id, fa.application_short_name app, fa.application_name, fpi.status,
fpi.patch_level FROM fnd_application_all_view fa, fnd_product_installations fpi WHERE fa.application_id = fpi.application_id AND fpi.patch_level LIKE '%<product_code>%';

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